منتديات المهندس منتديات المهندس |
يمكنكم الاطلاع على نتائج بكالوريا 2012 ابتداء من ليلة الرابع جويلية 2012 (04/07/2012 على الموقع التالي
نرجو منكم التسجيل والمشاركة في المنتدى بمواضيعكم واقتراحاتكم
إعلان: تحتاج منتديات المهندس الى مشرفين في جميع الأقسام، على من يهمه الأمر الاتصال بادارة المنتدى، سيتم تعيين المشرفين حسب نشاطهم في المنتدى و عدد المساهمات التي وضعوها، الباب مفتوح لجميع الأعضاء.بالتوفيق للجميع. مطلوب مشرفين على مختلف اقسام المنتدى. يرجى منكم التسجيل والاتصال بادارة المنتدى
Après avoir annoncé la fin des Googles Labs et d'autres services cet été, Google poursuit son nettoyage cet hiver, en annonçant l'abandon de sept nouveaux produits. Exit le module social Google Friends Connect pour les sites web, et 6 autres services, dont Google Wave, déjà condamné depuis plus d'un an.
Le lancement récent de Google Plus, et l'optimisation de différents produits de Google, laissent sur le carreau de nombreux services qui ne dépasseront pas la phase beta. En juillet dernier, la firme de Mountain View avait annoncé l'abandon des Google Labs, sa « pépinière à projets ». Puis en septembre, 10 nouveaux services passaient à la trappe, parmi lesquels Desktop, Bloc-notes et Sidewiki.
Google accélère donc cette « purge » en se séparant officiellement de 7 nouveaux produits, qui ne figurent plus sur la feuille de route de Google consistant à rendre « l'expérience Google plus simple et plus intuitive ». Outre Google Wave, qui fermera ses portes en avril 2012 (le sort de la plateforme collaborative était déjà scellé depuis longtemps), Google a donc annoncé l'abandon de :
* Google Bookmarks Lists : un service collaboratif permettant de créer et partager des listes de favoris (clôturé le 19 décembre).
* Google Friend Connect : un service ouvert aux webmasters leur permettant d'ajouter une couche de réseau social à leur site web (fin le 1er mars 2012). Google recommande aux webmasters d'intégrer leur site web avec Google Plus en remplacement.
* Google Gears : Annoncé en mars, l'abandon de cette extension pour Firefox et Internet Explorer sera effectif au premier décembre. Elle permettait d'accéder à des services tels que Gmail, les Docs ou Calendar en mode non-connecté. Cette fonctionnalité est désormais supportée nativement par différents services de Google.
* Google Search Timeline : un service permettant de représenter sur un graphe un historique de recherches lié à une requête.
* Knol : un outil de partage de connaissances en ligne (abandon le 30 avril 2012)
Enfin, Google a également annoncé la fin de son initiative de promotion pour le développement durable « Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal », dont les études avaient pour objet la réduction du coût des énergies renouvelables. |
نتائج بكالوريا 2012 | الثلاثاء يونيو 19, 2012 5:21 pm من طرف Admin | يمكنكم الاطلاع على نتائج بكالوريا 2012 ابتداء من ليلة الرابع جويلية 2012 (04/07/2012 على الموقع التالي
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
| تعاليق: 0 |
تحصل على رتبة مشرف على احد أقسام المنتدى | الأحد سبتمبر 11, 2011 10:54 am من طرف Admin | ساهم بنشر عشرة (10) مواضيع على منتدانا وتحصل على رتبة مشرف على احد أقسام المنتدى
| تعاليق: 0 |
اشرف على المنتدى -=- مطلوب مشرفين ] | الأربعاء أغسطس 10, 2011 12:02 pm من طرف Admin |
السلام عليكم
نرحب بك في المنتدى
ملاحظة: يمكنك المشاركة باللغة الفرنسية, العربية او الانجليزية
اذا كانت لديك الرغبة في تسيير منتدى؟ نتشرف بانظمامك الينا كمشرف
المنتدى يفتح باب الاشراف لكل الاعضاء بشرط العمل على …
[ قراءة كاملة ] | تعاليق: 0 |
هدف المنتدى | الثلاثاء يوليو 26, 2011 3:15 pm من طرف Admin | السلام عليكم
هذا المنتدى سيوفر للمهندسين و التقنيين -باذن الله- خدمات ومعونات جليلة’ كما سيسمح بتبادل الخبرات و التجارب.
لذا نرجوا منكم ان لا تبخلوا علينا بارائكم*مشاراكتكم واقتراحاتكم لانجاحه.
وفقكم الله.
| تعاليق: 0 |
مرحبا بكم في منتدانا | الثلاثاء يوليو 26, 2011 11:29 am من طرف Admin | مرحبا بك أيها العضو الكريم في منتدانا وهنيئاً لك بانضمامك إلينا.
مع أخلص تحياتنا.
| تعاليق: 0 |
نوفمبر 2024 | الإثنين | الثلاثاء | الأربعاء | الخميس | الجمعة | السبت | الأحد |
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| How to make a computer faster: 6 ways to speed up your PC | |
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Admin Admin
عدد المساهمات : 74 السٌّمعَة : 1 تاريخ التسجيل : 26/07/2011
| موضوع: How to make a computer faster: 6 ways to speed up your PC الخميس سبتمبر 08, 2011 4:04 pm | |
| How to make a computer faster: 6 ways to speed up your PC
By following a few simple guidelines, you can maintain your computer, help increase your PC speed, and help keep it running smoothly. This article discusses how to use the tools available in Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP Service Pack 3 to help make your computer faster, maintain your computer efficiently, and help safeguard your privacy when you're online.Note: Some of the tools mentioned in this article require you to be logged on as an administrator. If you aren't logged on as an administrator, you can only change settings that apply to your user account.1. Remove spyware, and help protect your computer from viruses
Spyware collects personal information without letting you know and without asking for permission. From the websites you visit to user names and passwords, spyware can put you and your confidential information at risk. In addition to privacy concerns, spyware can hamper your computer's performance. To combat spyware, you might want to consider using the PC safety scan from Windows Live OneCare. This scan is a free service that helps check for and remove viruses.Download Microsoft Security Essentials for free to help guard your system in the future from viruses, spyware, adware, and other malicious software (also known as malware). Microsoft Security Essentials acts as a spyware removal tool and includes automatic updates to help keep your system protected from emerging threats.The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool is another utility that checks computers running Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 for infections by specific, prevalent malicious software, including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom, and helps remove any infection found. 2. Free up disk space
The Disk Cleanup tool helps you to free up space on your hard disk to improve the performance of your computer. The tool identifies files that you can safely delete and then enables you to choose whether you want to delete some or all of the identified files.Use Disk Cleanup to:
* Remove temporary Internet files. * Delete downloaded program files, such as Microsoft ActiveX controls and Java applets. * Empty the Recycle Bin. * Remove Windows temporary files, such as error reports. * Delete optional Windows components that you don't use. * Delete installed programs that you no longer use. * Remove unused restore points and shadow copies from System Restore.
Tip: Typically, temporary Internet files take the most amount of space because the browser caches each page you visit for faster access later.To use Disk Cleanup:Windows 7 users
Windows Vista users
Windows XP users
3. Speed up access to data
Disk fragmentation slows the overall performance of your system. When files are fragmented, the computer must search the hard disk as a file is opened (to piece it back together). The response time can be significantly longer.Disk Defragmenter (sometimes shortened to Defrag by users) is a Windows utility that consolidates fragmented files and folders on your computer's hard disk so that each occupies a single space on the disk. With your files stored neatly end to end, without fragmentation, reading and writing to the disk speeds up.When to run Disk Defragmenter In addition to running Disk Defragmenter at regular intervals (weekly is optimal), there are other times you should run it, too, such as when:
* You add a large number of files. * Your free disk space totals 15 percent or less. * You install new programs or a new version of the Windows operating system.
To use Disk Defragmenter:Windows 7 users
Windows Vista users
Windows XP users
Running Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter on a regular basis is a proven way to help keep your computer running quickly and efficiently. If you'd like to learn how to schedule these tools and others to run automatically, please read Speed up your PC: Automate your computer maintenance schedule. 4. Detect and repair disk errors
In addition to running Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter to optimize the performance of your computer, you can check the integrity of the files stored on your hard disk by running the Error Checking utility.As you use your hard drive, it can develop bad sectors. Bad sectors slow down hard disk performance and sometimes make data writing (such as file saving) difficult or even impossible. The Error Checking utility scans the hard drive for bad sectors and scans for file system errors to see whether certain files or folders are misplaced.If you use your computer daily, you should run this utility once a week to help prevent data loss.Run the Error Checking utility:
5. Learn about ReadyBoost
If you're using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you can use ReadyBoost to speed up your system. A new concept in adding memory to a system, it allows you to use non-volatile flash memory—like a USB flash drive or a memory card—to improve performance without having to add additional memory.
* Learn more about ReadyBoost in Windows 7. * Learn more about ReadyBoost in Windows Vista.
6. Upgrade to Windows 7
If you try all the previous remedies and your computer still isn't as fast as you would like it to be, you may want to consider updating to Windows 7.
* Find out if your computer can run Windows 7 using the Upgrade Advisor. * Compare Window 7 editions. * Read a third-party review of Windows 7 by David Pogue of The New York Times.
If the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor determines that your computer can't run Windows 7 and you still have the need for speed, it might be time for a new computer. There are some great deals on new computers right now:
* Shop for new desktop computers. * Shop for new laptop computers. * Shop for netbooks. | |
| | | | How to make a computer faster: 6 ways to speed up your PC | |
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